Fashion Web Magazine


Dal Arab Fashion Council il nuovo presidente onorario: Cav. Mario Boselli

Durante una cerimonia ufficiale, il nostro emerito Presidente Cav.Mario Boselli, è stato insignito del titolo di Presidente Onorario del Arab Fashion Council.

Dietro ai meandri della Moda si scoprono interezioni e cooperazione, il Cav. Boselli diventa Presidente Onorario del Arab Fashion Council, un’importante legame che segnerà i futuri rapporti tra il mondo Arabo e l’amato made in Italy dietro al quale non si possono che aprire nuove frontiere che vedono sempre più la Moda come un link importante di carattere sociale e culturale.
Oltre il mar Mediterraneo, si instaurano rapporti di collaborazione che segnano nuovi orizzonti per quel mercato storico rappresentato dal nostro “saper fare” e che troverà nelle contaminazioni culturali un’oasi ricca di ispirazione e prestigio.

La Moda viaggia al di sopra delle altre discipline, con la sua apparente leggerezza, anticipa e condiziona eventi, storie e realtà. Oggi più che mai il nostro volare ci porta verso quegli orizzonti contaminati da problemi di ogni sorta e tipo, sconfiggendo con vivaci colori e merletti tutte quelle barriere che si sono create in secoli di “pesanti” ed inutili rotture. Nella storia si è sempre dovuto combattere con ogni tipo di arma. Oggi l’armonia arriva attraverso una delle suo più delicate forme, quella della Moda, per segnare incessante la voglia di equilibrio, pace e prosperità che deve segnare il domani del nostro pianeta.

Di seguito riporto il comunicato stampa in Inglese. Vista l’importanza della firma avvenuta proprio qualche giorno fa.

Dubai – United Arab Emirates, April 2015: An elite group of the fashion system pioneers has launched

the Arab Fashion Council, which aims to promote Arab fashion designers in the international fashion

market, and enhance the culture and system of the Arab fashion industry in the region.

Recently, the Arab Fashion Council signed with Cavaliere Mario Boselli to be the Honorary President of

the Arab Fashion Council. Cav Boselli is one of the most prominent figures with a history of success and

achievements in the fashion industry worldwide, and handled several leading roles such as; the

President of the National Chamber of Italian Fashion, and the President of the Milan International Fair.

The Arab Fashion Council is the largest non-profit fashion organization in the Arab World representing

the 22 Arab countries. It was established as an international non-governmental entity, including

companies and Arab talents in the fashion industry.

The Arab Fashion Council’s main objective is to position the Arab World on the international fashion

map, where the Arab Fashion Council’s strategy is to adopt and develop global standards, elevate the

talents of Arab designers’ academic studies, and contribute to the development of culture by

establishing an Arabic fashion system.

The Arab Fashion Council takes the United Arab Emirates as the hub for its operations, due to its

prestigious location in the world. Arab Fashion Council’s highest management consist of the Council’s

Board of Directors and Advisors who manage and organize the activities of the council, including the

developments of strategic plans, selecting the Honorary President of the council, symbolizing prominent

figures of the Arab countries, and the Fashion Ambassadors to represent the board around the world,

in addition to the Associated Members of fashion, Talents, Companies working in the fashion designing

industry, and the Board of Deputies elected by the members to represent them in the council.

With its business alliances the Arab Fashion Council are committed to nurturing the development of the

talented designers and young industry professionals through educational initiatives, and in providing

support and resources for them to flourish in the market.

By partnering with selected group of professional organizations, the Arab Fashion Council’s is able to

promote a variety of professional business, educational seminars, workshops, courses, competitions and

trips covering topics that include retail and fashion trends, global initiatives in the garment industry,

distribution, international market and buyer relations, and understanding the business of fashion in the

Arab market.

Among the most prominent global activities carried out by the Arab Fashion Council is setting the

criteria for the designers to be part of the “Arab Fashion Week” events, which will be held twice a year,

representing all the Arab countries under one destination, in the presence of buyers and press from

around the world.

The Arab Fashion Council’s logo is designed to adopt 2 main colors, white and gold, symbolizing

transparency, peace, and the authenticity of the Arab culture

For more details please visit Arab Fashion Council website:


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